
仓木麻衣专辑:27.Key To My Heart

时间: 2010-11-04    作者: jp.tingroom.com    进入日语论坛
核心提示:key to my heart歌词 仓木麻衣 I close my eyes and 遥(はる)か遠(とお)くに見(み)える空(そら) 限(かぎ)りない夢(ゆめ)を詰(つ)め込(こ)んで 今(いま)旅立(たびだ)つ Winter or Spring Summer or Fall 気付

key to my heart歌词



I close my eyes and
限(かぎ)りない夢(ゆめ)を詰(つ)め込(こ)んで 今(いま)旅立(たびだ)つ
Winter or Spring Summer or Fall
気付(きづ)かずに 不安(ふあん)を隠(かく)してた
Won't you take me in your heart
交(か)わす言葉(ことば) 暗(くら)い道(みち) 照(て)らす
You will always have the key to my heart
通(とお)り雨(あめ)が 優(やさ)しさに変(か)わる
(The only one to me...)
ねぇ 悲(かな)しみがあるから 強(つよ)くなれる
君(きみ)と行(い)くよ 明日(あした)への果(は)てしない旅(たび)
Won't you take me in your heart
I only I only want to be with you
You will always have the key to my heart
I only I only want to be with you
Baby you're the key to me
Open up and you will see
I'll always be right there
You know I will, and you know care
Don't need a fancy car
I like you just the way you are
You know it's plain to see
that you're the only one for me
(Baby you're the key to me)
(Open up and you will see)
(I'll always be right there)
(You know I will, and you know care)
(Don't need a fancy car)
(I like you just the way you are)
(You know it's plain to see)
(that you're the only one for me)
I only I only want to be with you...


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